Service is the Third Legacy
I have been involved in service ever since getting sober on the 26th July 1998. My first service position was teaboy at the Kingsbridge meeting. My sponsor would joke that he could tell if I was grateful when I would not complain at having to clean the ash trays. I then moved to doing literature.
I then moved to doing service at Plymouth intergroup. I also used to go to Swindon with my sponsor for the committee meeting for the Southern National Convention. I was made committee teaboy which I enjoyed deeply. My first sponsor was very involved in service so I got roped in as well. At one stage we would go to Region hear the vacancies in the morning. I would then find out what service I was doing for the next 3 years. I firmly believe that service is the third legacy and is vital to continuous recovery.
I joined a new home group 5 years ago and have been privileged to work through the group service structure. This has enhanced my knowledge of the service structure and what a privilege it is to be able to do service.I lost my first sponsor over 10 years ago and got a new one 5 years ago. My whole recovery has been made possible by being willing to do whatever is asked of me.
I like that I now smarten up to do my service as I feel this is important to show a change in thought and attitude. Now I help set up and clear the chairs at my home group which I felt was a real comedown from been share finder. But I realise that this job is just as important, and it is helping me stay humble. I am hoping to become convention convener for Plymouth intergroup. I have been involved most years since getting sober.
I often share that I used to milk cows with a milking stool which has three legs. It won’t work with two. I feel this is the same with recovery. We need to practise all three legacies to improve our recovery.
Also, the benefit of doing service is you get to meet loads of recovering alcoholics which is mind blowing. The biggest high I have ever had was at the last spiritual meeting at Camber Sands. There were between 2,500 and 3000 people from all races and all beliefs saying the serenity prayer. It was mind blowing. I certainly felt god moving in me and the room.
To finish I would like to encourage everyone to do service. It will show you how blessed we are to be able to serve our wonderful fellowship. May your god of your understanding keep you safe, and we may meet as we walk this road to recovery
Martin S, Road to Recovery Plymouth