What AA has done for me
What AA has Done for Me
Before I joined the Fellowship, I had descended to a wreck drinking at least 1 litre of vodka and 3 litres of cider a day. I was a pain to live with, so much so that I lost a relationship through the drink. I had even contemplated suicide. I had not spoken to my son in 6 years or even seen my grandchildren due to my drinking and my behaviour. Fortunately my son saw me one day at a petrol station and came over to speak to me. This though I did not know it at the time, changed my life. I knew he had been in the Fellowship for 10 years and was so proud of the way he has overcome his problems and was leading the life I could only aspire to.
I knew that I could not go and see his children smelling of drink, so I knew I had to do something about it. He took me to the Friday evening meeting, I was really sceptical of AA and thought there was a magic wand and that you could be cured as God did not figure in my life or my thoughts. This continued as I was only paying lip service to the concept of AA. The sponsor that I have has great patience and forbearance with me. He knew that I was not fully committed and told me that I could not do it on self-will alone. Though I was sober, life was no better.
One day I was asked by a old-timer to look after someone that was still suffering like myself. This was my road to Damascus, as it showed he trusted me. I then threw myself into the programme and very soon started to reap the benefits. I swiftly made some new friends who have my wellbeing at heart and these have become like my family. And I now have no desire to take a drink. I am leading a life so far removed from my old one. It is like a miracle has taken place in my life, my thoughts and my attitude. I still have a long way to go but due to the Fellowship, the 12 Steps and a simple programme, life just seems to be getting better.
Everything the Big Book promises has happened and I have no desire to go back to my old ways. So if you are new to the fellowship, take it from me – the Biggest Sceptic there – if it can work for me it can work for you.
Thank God for AA.
Nov 2008