Third Step

Step Three

"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him."

I started going to meetings over ten years ago now.  There was a lot of talk about God, Higher Powers  and also a lot of talk around the 12 steps. I continued to go back to that meeting, and the group I went to highly recommended getting a sponsor. So I thought it was a good idea to get one.  I found a sponsor who seemed very happy and a gentle man. I was able to just start seeing how powerless I was over alcohol and how unmangeable my thinking had become. I started to realize and accept that everytime I tried to have a drink, I was unable to control the amount that I had. As soon as I had a drink I have a craving for more. I started to learn and understand how sick my thinking had become, through many years of drinking. I started to read and understand about the first two steps. The second step says that we came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.  I had had a faith in my life from a child but it faded with my alcoholism. I only relied on God when things got very bad. I was keen to recover from alcoholism and I knew that what it was going to take to recover was the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  I got to the point where I wanted more in the way of recovery and then I made a decision to turn my will over to the care of God.  The way that I actually did this was that I got together with my sponsor and I got on my knees and said the step 3 prayer.

I felt quite uplifted afterwards. I really started to think that this was really a new beginning. My mind started to feel less full. I started to understand that my life had nothing to do with me anymore. It was time to surrender. I started to realise that all my life of running on self-will had led to decisions that had led to heartache, resentment and the Gates of Hell, banging on the bar asking for another drink as the craving took a hold.  

Through doing suggestions I kept connected to God and kept that channel open. I continue to work with alcoholics regulary, keep in contact with my sponsor, read my Big Book and try and do all I can for my home group. All these things take me away from my self-will and help me to feel closer to God. Without putting in any of the actions I'm led back on my own will which always leads to misery.

I  would highly recommend going through the 12 steps to anyone. It's what keeps me sober and happy . I have been sober for over 12 years and my life continues to improve and becomes full of more and more happiness as time goes on.

Road To Recovery, Plymouth, Feb 2009