Surviving New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve can be a difficult time for alcoholics. Even those recovered alkies who are in a relationship or have plenty of friends to go out with, can feel alienated by the rampant drinking of New Year’s Eve. Christmas drinking seems a little less manic. But New Year’s Eve parties and events are often based around drink to a larger extent. And then there’s the massive “Hurrah!” at midnight when drunken people hug and kiss. The sober alcoholic might find it hard to be caught up in the well-lubricated festivity.

One solution seems to be: plan ahead. Alkies, particularly single Alkies, tend to just leave things until the last moment. They hope people are free to do something. Or they will think “Ah stuff it, I’ll stay in on my own and have a kebab and watch TV.” Then come midnight, they feel all sorry for themselves. They wonder why they’re spending another New Year’s eve at home while the fireworks are going off, and the people next door are cheering and sounding happy.

But planning ahead gives lots of options. Why not organise a sober party for AAs at your house/flat? What about arranging to go out for a meal? Or have a few AAs or single friends around to watch a film? Or all go out to the countryside or a park to see the midnight fireworks together? There are lots of ways to enjoy NYE. Not only being around the drunken frenzy of a typical party or club. But if you like the drunken frenzy – then join in, but not the drunken part! The main thing is to remember that NYE should be a good time. Not a miserable one. It’s a time of year when misery truly can be optional, thanks to the fellowship of AA.

Plymouth Road to Recovery Group