Step 1 – Vital?
Step 1 – Vital?
What's to disagree with? Is 4 possible without 3? Is 3 possible without 2? Is 2 possible without 1?
I used to think of Step 1 as being a bit of a la-la step — i.e. nothing really involved there. But through recovery I've become convinced that it's vital. Someone that does not truly understand and accept their powerlessness and unmanageability simply cannot do an honest step 2, 3 or 4 (or any other for that matter). Why does someone go out and drink again? Because they think it will be different, because they think they deserve it, because they think they can handle it, because they're afraid of a life of sobriety….All of those and more. But all are signs that they think they're still running the show. How can that ever be successful?
But every time we come back, we're working on step one. When we get it right, we can get the other steps right.