Only the 12 Steps Will Do

I am an Alcoholics Woman, Mother and Grandmother. My drinking started like most as a Teenager. It was fun and gave me confidence beyond belief. I drank at every opportunity. I was a teenage bride, but I continued the Party. Once I became a mother my drinking seamed to me to be somewhat manageable(Ha HA!) I got to the point where I could not stop drinking and as a result there were many consequences just to name a few my marriage broke down, I lost my business and most importantly my children, my morals and self-respect.

It was suggested to me by the authorities that I went into a rehabilitation centre, after losing my home, children and everything I had worked for, despite my thinking I went into rehab for a Year.

My counsellor said I needed to go to Alcoholics Anonymous, work the 12 Steps, grow a plant and stay out of relationships.

On leaving the rehabilitation centre I fell in love with a man I met in rehab, went to Asda and bought a plant and I had baby. I truly believed this would set me right.

I managed to stay sober but I was crippled in pain, depression, anxiety and discontentment.

I was going to AA but was to arrogant and self-righteous to take the actions required. Unbeknown to me I had missed the simple solution and I drank once again after a few years for one day, this brought me to my knees.

I got a sponsor who showed me exactly what I need to do to be joyous, happy and free. My sponsor took me through the 12 steps and encouraged me to be of service in my home group and to work through the service structure of alcoholics Anonymous taking daily inventory and having a higher power of my understanding, working with others has set me free.

Now I have a fantastic life the best its ever been. It doesn’t matter what life has thrown at me, I have had no desire to pick up a drink, I have been divorced and had serious health issues which I have gone through like a grown up.

I have cleared away the wreckage of my past, and feel grateful and truly blessed to be in alcoholics Anonymous.’

I urge anybody who is reading this who can identify to make contact with AA, you will have a life beyond your wildest dreams.

I love and fellowship
An Alcoholic Mother

Sally H, Road to Recovery Group, Plymouth
August 2022