Not to polish my halo but to stay out of hell
When I arrived at AA, I did not know it but I met people practicing Step 12. I heard the message of AA. I was told that if I worked through the steps I would recover from alcoholism. I needed to get a copy of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and take the actions contained within it. I would need the guidance of someone who had all ready done it. They called this person a sponsor and he was there to make my passage through the Steps as easy as possible. I was to listen to those who had gone before and had made the mistakes so that I did not have to.
Thank God, I was desperate enough because it all seemed like cloud cuckoo land to me but, when I started to take the actions a spark of hope was lit. It was easy and simple, when I tried to give up my habit of ignoring essential advice and making things difficult for myself. So I took Twelve Steps and recovered. Step 12 says, ìHaving had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps.î It took me some time to even realise that I had had one, but when I looked back honestly, I could see the transformation in my life.
The next bit of Step 12 appeared to be two things. ìwe tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairsî. In reality the two are inseperable as I can not carry this message without trying to practice the principles.
One of the ways I work Step 12 is face-to-face with a newcomer on a 12th step call. I have to try and practice all I have learned to give the new man his best chance to get this. To be a friend to this person I need to remember how I was approached, and how hopeless I felt, and how I dared not have any faith in a better life for fear my hopes would be dashed again. So I tell him my story, how it was for me, what I did and what it is like now, freed of the need to drink.
How a Big Book, a sponsor, and a home group that I love and respect and the Twelve Steps of AA have led me to have trust and faith in a higher power, a God of my own understanding. The entire purpose of the Big Book and the Steps is to bring about a spiritual awakening, or, in other words, a change in thought and attitude so complete that we can ërecover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.í That is the message and our aim is to try to pass it on to another alcoholic. The key word is try. I may fail many times but I must try nonetheless because this is where I truly reap the rewards and continue to live sober and content. Hopefully I can win the confidence of the still-suffering alcoholic and remember that I do this to keep what I have got, not to polish my halo but to stay out of hell.
To have come from where I did, I dare not ask for anything more, probably deserve less than I have, but those I trust tell me more is to come.
Chris S, Road to Recovery, Plymouth, April 2012