My Life was Unmanageable
Before coming into AA I knew I was powerless over alcohol. What I couldn’t accept was my life was unmanageable. My pride and arrogance kept me away, lowering the bar each time. My pride turned to fear and isolation, hiding from reality with a mask of self-pity and selfishness. I was obsessed with self and alcohol.
I took myself to some dark places. By the end, I had no life to manage. My manageability centered only in my mind and I lost the power of choice. Destroying myself with pride and fear.
I stepped into AA masked with arrogance and pride, but I was willing to listen. The Fellowship re-educated me with the guidance from a sponsor. I accepted my alcoholism and the First Step. I showed willingness to be guided through the rest of the Steps.
In a short amount of time, I lost my obsession with alcohol. It had been removed. I do my suggestions on a daily basis to always remind myself why I walked through the doors of AA, and to progress in spirituality. I now have freedom and faith. I have been given courage and contentment.
My life has begun and taken off beyond my own ability and biggest dreams. My way availed me nothing. I am a passenger of God and enjoying the journey.
Matthew W., Plymouth Road to Recovery