AA has made the Impossible Possible
AA has made the Impossible Possible
I was always looking for excitement in my life. I found normal life boring. In school I was constantly getting into trouble. It is this inability to live a normal life that is why I drank. When I came into AA at the age of 18 I knew I was in trouble and that if I carried on drinking I would be straight back in prison. However I did not really want to stop drinking. The only excitement I ever had in life was when I drank. I was too shy to even speak to people when I was sober. I found it hard to comprehend living the rest of my life without the one thing that made life bearable.
A couple of weeks after finally being beaten and I realised that I really did have no alternatives but to try this AA program – I gave in. My recovery was electric. I quickly discovered that all of these doubts that I had about not being able to enjoy being sober were wrong. In the 5 years that I have been sober I have had more fun than I could have ever comprehended. I have achieved a great deal in such a short period of time. I started my own club night in recovery which was something that I always wanted to do, but was simply not capable of doing this before I recovered. These nights have been hugely successful and I am now even promoting nights in other cities. I have also started going to University to study Civil and Structural Engineering. Spending most of my life in the library, which I do during term time, is not something I always wanted to do.
AA has somehow given me the ability to be able to do things like this and to actually enjoy it. I remember my maths teacher telling me that I was the biggest waste of potential he had ever come across. I recently won an award at University for the grades that I achieved. I know that all of these great things that have happened are not down to me. On my own thinking I was only capable of getting kicked out of school and nightclubs and ending up in prison. As long as I continue to walk the road these great things will continue to happen I am sure, and I will be able to lead a contented life without the need to drink.
Tommy G, Plymouth, Aug 2012