AA and Fatherhood
Fatherhood in AA
Two of the great blessingsI have recieved in AA are my beautiful little girls Millie and Maisie. With daughters comes the old clich'e, "daddy's girls", which they certainly are. They have touched my heart in a way which is indescribable.
Whether Im going to work in the morning,or going to my Home Group in the evening,it is as though it is the last time they are going to see me – their hearts are broken, and so is mine . The phrase ,"its a selfish prpgram", runs through my head , and it has to be at times, as without recovery,my girls would lose me and i would lose them – without a doubt I must put my recovery before evertyhing, and in doing so, I will remain the repsonsible adult I am today – husband, father and provider for my whole family.
I have recieved these blessings with kind regards from AA by doing the right things. And to keep these blessings I know I must contine to do so. "The best years of my existance lie ahead" – I want to live forever ,so i try to remember , "This to the end that our great blessings may never spoil us, that we may live forever in thankful contemplation of him who presides over us all"
Mike D Road to recovery group , Plymouth.